☺ Graphic Design - Illustration - Art Direction - Lettering - Open to collaboration ☺


Canal Pança is an audiovisual platform. It aims to create a place for debate about gastronomy as a cultural expression and eating as an intrinsic act of the human condition.

CP uses digital platforms as a tool to share an honest, inclusive and holistic vision about food. From tradition to innovation, from post-modern madness to popular culture, their mission is to show the most diverse possibilities of flavor and existence within the kitchen.

Canal Pança is a brand with the flexibility to be serious when the occasion arises and also to assume its expressiveness, humor and quirkiness.

Regarding the logo, we designed bulging and voluptuous shapes, which reminded us of a full belly after a good meal.

We created a mascot that brings together a portuguese expression: mais olhos que barriga — more eyes than stomach, and a mouth, which we use to communicate and eat — Canal Pança's forte.